A study on the solipsistic ambiguity of ‘I’ as the subject who plays the sport 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 행위 주체로서 ‘나’의 유아론적 애매성
정응근EungKeunChung , 김식SikKim
46(4) 1-16, 2007
A study on the solipsistic ambiguity of ‘I’ as the subject who plays the sport 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 행위 주체로서 ‘나’의 유아론적 애매성
정응근EungKeunChung , 김식SikKim
What is ‘I’, we may wonder, and why does so question matter? My language, in the sense discussed by Wittgenstein, is language whose words ‘refer to what can only be known to the person speaking: to my immediate private sensation’. Consequently, if my languages are impossible those theories are false. By the way, people commit a fault how to use word of ‘I’. It tells its own tale that it hasn’t the only one sense. Accordingly ‘I’ as the subject who plays the sport is specculated the problems whether ‘I’ denotes a peculiar and separate substance and in what consists my indivisible and continuing identity. Surely the way in which the people mentioned are identified by pronouns is quite different from the way in which they are identified by proper name. Overall the word of ‘I’ is not a name. It is merely a question of ambiguous solipsistic description.
Key Words
analytical philosophy. ‘I’ as the subject, private sensation, solipsistic description, the Linguistic turn, Wittgenstein
Zhuang Zi’s philosophy and development of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 장자의 지미지락과 스포츠의 지속적 성장
46(4) 17-26, 2007
Zhuang Zi’s philosophy and development of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 장자의 지미지락과 스포츠의 지속적 성장
In this study, I seek to clarify Zhuang Zi's philosophical account of beautiful and Joyful in sport and suggest that the way for development of sport in the future are sport as more beautiful and more joyful. The method of this study use text analysis of Aesthetic perception in Zhung-Zi philosophy. Aesthetic perception is construed as an ideal mode of cognition. There are opening text why I got interested in chuang Tzu's philosophy. So, I study chuang Tzu's philosophy as text. As a result, I know that the way of sport as more beautiful and more joyful in sport world by studying Xuxin(虛心) in which Zhuang-Zi‘s philosophy was very important. In conclusion, To reach Xuxin, We must depend on Tao presented as openness mind. The Xuxin is the way which subject and the object communicate. Most sport are under the wining, record, result in sport. To overcome this problems of sport, We should seek to more beautiful and more joyful in sport. It is the way of development of sport in the future.
Key Words
Zhuang-Zi’s philosophy, Aesthetic perception
The essence of sports value and dilemma 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 가치관의 본질과 딜레마
46(4) 27-38, 2007
The essence of sports value and dilemma 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 가치관의 본질과 딜레마
In sports, there are intrinsic meaning such as friendship, self-sacrifice, patience, and respect which have been regarded as traditional values of sports since ancient Greek period. However, the intrinsic values of sport have been distorted from development of capitalism in which competition, survival, ability, and result are emphasized. In comtemporary society, sports has not kept its own pure values, rather it has alloted space for business in which sports could be useful means to maximize profits of individuals or nations. At this time, we need to overcome the dilemma of sports values which are happened by the differences of sports values between amateurism and professionalism, introspecting the intrinsic values of sports. Through this way, we can make harmonious sports concepts beyond dichotomical thought of traditional and contemporary sports values, and this could be necessary condition for sports development.
Philosophical understanding of competition in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 경쟁성에 대한 철학적 이해
46(4) 39-50, 2007
Philosophical understanding of competition in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 경쟁성에 대한 철학적 이해
I attempted this study, centering around the definition of physical education in order to understand competition. I admitted that in physical education, physical activities and educational activities are essential, but I put the educational meaning into a parenthesis through phenomenal restoration of Husserl. Putting the educational meaning out of the action, I concentrated on physical activities only and then, intended to understand through intuition. For that reasion, through the philosophical theory, I could understand that competition can become a foundation for cooperation and assimilation through the fact that competition is not confrontation or separation, but the relationship of equilibrium with the opposite or the team and in addition, it can integrate the body and the mind. Accordingly, competition is not a subject for restriction, but it needs to be more emphasized and encouraged. Therefore, it is necessary to precisely supplement and maintain sport rule, regulation, and ethos in order for competition to be fully displayed.
Key Words
competition in physical education
A study on the concept of sport by the internal, approach -A realistic application of Sato`s sport philosophy- 인문,사회과학편 : 내재적 접근에 의한 스포츠 개념의 고찰 -사토의 스포츠철학과 그 실제적 적용-
46(4) 51-61, 2007
A study on the concept of sport by the internal, approach -A realistic application of Sato`s sport philosophy- 인문,사회과학편 : 내재적 접근에 의한 스포츠 개념의 고찰 -사토의 스포츠철학과 그 실제적 적용-
This research is to apply Sato's philosophy to our reality. Sato's philosophy approaches to the concept of sport internally. His sport philosophy differs from existing approaches in that it regards sport as cultural phenomenon and makes clear why sport can be a symbolic activity. Especially, his new concept of sport structure and sport phenomenon offers a clue to some pending questions, for example, whether Baduk and e-sports can be included into sport or not. Sato deduced that the essence of sport is the presence of movement form from the study of three aspects of sport structure : physical, intellectual, and emotional. Movement form means objectified body capacity of a human being and every sport has its own movement form necessarily. With this concept, it is understood why Baduk and e-sports can not be incorporated into the category of sport. However, the presence of movement form cannot clarify the difference between sport and art which is expressed by a human body. Therefore, this paper examines the essence of sport more clearly in light of the relation between rules and movement form. In conclusion, every sport has it's original movement form which is made by a rule and this essential fact determines whether a certain kind of human movement can be a sport or not.
Key Words
concept of sport, Sato’s sport philosophy, sport structure, movement form, rule
Orientalism in the sport culture in Korea: A social critique theoretical approach 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 운동문화 속의 오리엔탈리즘: 사회비판이론적 접근
46(4) 63-80, 2007
Orientalism in the sport culture in Korea: A social critique theoretical approach 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 운동문화 속의 오리엔탈리즘: 사회비판이론적 접근
The purpose of this study was to criticize the "latent Orientalism" inside of Korean modern sport as a important culture nowadays in the respect of Horkheimer and Adorno in a social critique theoritical approach and to reflect the Korean identity of sport culture. In the past the colonialism and imperialism were on the political and topographical area but now is extending on the cultural map. Edward Said(1978, 1999) proposed the thinking ability about the present culture although said "Orientalism" as a westernized gaze on "Orient" and cultural imperialism. Korean society have compressive modernity including a complex risks also could not keeping away from this situations. Horkheimer and Adorno stressed the function of philosophy in modern society is to criticized the representing culture by modernization and cultural consumption. According to their opinions we should to keep our culture and to aware our sport culture and to find some acute problems the accumulated and latent cultural ideologies.
Key Words
sport culture, orientalism, Latent orientalism, culture imperialism, social critique theory, traditional sport
Influence of social interaction of the aged at non-commercial sports centers on the exercise adherence 인문,사회과학편 : 비영리 사회체육시설 이용 고령자의 사회적 상호작용이 운동지속에 미치는 영향
윤민수ManSooYun , 강진홍JeanHongKang
46(4) 81-94, 2007
Influence of social interaction of the aged at non-commercial sports centers on the exercise adherence 인문,사회과학편 : 비영리 사회체육시설 이용 고령자의 사회적 상호작용이 운동지속에 미치는 영향
윤민수ManSooYun , 강진홍JeanHongKang
This study was to analysis the effects of social interaction of the aged who have participated continually for a long period of time at non-commercial sports centers on the exercise adherence. The subjects of this study were 763 aged men and women who have exercised continually at non-commercial sports centers more than 5 years. They selected by using the purposing sampling, among the over age 55 who live in Gyeongnam province. To construct the contents of the questionnaire, referred to the previous of Kim(2004) for the social interaction, and Choi(2005) for the korean exercise adherence scale. To analyze the collected data, t-test, oneway-ANOVA, stepwise selection multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, There was significant difference in the exercise adherence according to sociodemographic characteristics. Second, social interaction influences on the exercise adherence. In order words, degree of contact, cooperation, and intimacy with reader and the staff influences on exercise ability, exercise habit, exercise environment, and exercise friends.
Key Words
the aged, social interaction, exercise adherence, non-commercial sports center
An analysis of the relationship between consciousness of body and self-esteem and the participation in dance sports of the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 댄스스포츠 참가와 신체의식 및 자아존중감
An analysis of the relationship between consciousness of body and self-esteem and the participation in dance sports of the elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 노인의 댄스스포츠 참가와 신체의식 및 자아존중감
This article was for analyzing the relationship between conscious of body and self-esteem and the participation in dance sports of the elderly. For achieving this purpose, we surveyed for 200 old people who respectively participated in dance sports and not to do. As a result, this study revealed some following conclusions. First, female old people was very sensitive in private body and public body, while the male elderly was interested in the bodily efficient during participation in dance sports. Moreover, the degree of body consciousness and self-esteem was higher in the elderly who participated in dance sports than the one not participated in. Finally, with regard to the program of dance sports, this study suggests that for the pursuit of the most proper dance program for the elderly, we should consider the physical and psychological aspects of the elderly with moderate level in the density, duration and frequency in activities.
Key Words
body consciousness, private body, public body, body efficiency, self-esteem, dance sports
Research into the cause and type of violence among adolescent athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 운동선수들이 경험하는 폭력종류 및 폭력 원인
유광욱KwangUKYuu , 원유병YooByeongWon
46(4) 105-116, 2007
Research into the cause and type of violence among adolescent athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 운동선수들이 경험하는 폭력종류 및 폭력 원인
유광욱KwangUKYuu , 원유병YooByeongWon
The primary purpose of this study is to help promote an environment in athletes can participate in sports activities willingly by identifying types of assaulters and violence, traits of violence and of the causes violence in the experience among adolescent athletes. In order to achieve these two purposes, we conducted a research on 311 athletes of boys' high schools located in D city, I city, and P city. The research was prosecuted depending on two complementary methods: one is open-ended questionnaire employed as a way of getting objective information about the characteristics and problems of violence and harassment; the other is an inductive approach, based on factor analysis, which is taken as a way of working out practicable solutions by finding out in what forms violence and harassment is committed. Firstly, the results into types of violence, verbal-physical violence, verbal violence, and physical violence are employed in the order stated according to proportion when senior athletes are assaulters; verbal-physical violence, verbal-physical violence(16.7%), and verbal violence(4.5%), when leaders are assaulters; verbal-physical violence(74.6%), physical violence(16.7%) and verbal violence(3.6%) in almost the same proportion in the case of parents being assailants, verbal-physical violence(85.4%), physical violence(3.6%). Secondly, the results of use violence and harassment of the senior athlete group results from their own authoritarianism(46.6%) as well as from junior athletes' bad language, misdeed, bad manners(33.3%), lack of skills and efforts(9.59%), and collective actions(51%). As for leaders, violence and harassment are employed on players because of their lack of skills(52.1%) and efforts, misdeed(24.1%), and bad manners(17.2%). Finally, parents use violence and harassment in the form of physical punishment on their children, sometimes because of their misdeed and bad manners (56.1%) and sometimes as a means to their success (29.7%)in the future.
This study dealt with the problem of understanding about sexual harassment in sports fields. With this trying, this study analyzed how student athletes perceive the sexual behavior and language used in daily life and sporting contexts as sexual harassment. For solving this research question, questionnaires were distributed to general students and athletes in high schools placed in D metropolitan. With the process, we found some significant results about the recognition on the sexual harassment. First, athletes ignored with what behavior can be considered as a sexual harassment in general and sporting field. Second, attitude of male students and athletes were more generous and insensitive toward sexually-violent behavior and language circulated in general and sporting milieu than that of female students and athletes. Moreover, even female athletes were more insensitive for the sexually-harassed behavior and attitude in their contexts than female students in general high schools. These results showed that sporting culture of Korea was constructed with the trend of masculine-centered paradigm and in that culture, most athletes keep going to learn the standardized 'maleness' attributes with recognizing that as normality. And in that male-dominated culture, female athletes could not be exception for that learning process.
Key Words
sexual harassment, athletes, male-dominated culture, recognition
The influence of viewing motivation of the mixed martial arts program on viewing attitude and violence in the university students 인문,사회과학편 : 격투스포츠 프로그램 시청동기가 대학생의 시청태도 및 폭력성에 미치는 영향
46(4) 129-136, 2007
The influence of viewing motivation of the mixed martial arts program on viewing attitude and violence in the university students 인문,사회과학편 : 격투스포츠 프로그램 시청동기가 대학생의 시청태도 및 폭력성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of viewing motivation of the mixed martial arts program on viewing attitude and violence in the university students. For this study, 250 university male students who are watching the mixed martial arts program through the television in Chung-Nam area by purposeful convenience sampling were chosen as subject and 211 students of them were actually analyzed. Based on the collected data, Cronbach's α and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to inspect the reliability and the validity of the questions. The multi regression analysis and correlational analysis were conducted to inspect the causal relationship by SPSS 11.0. The conclusions were as follows; First, the motivation of entertainment/refreshment, vicarious satisfaction which are subordinate constructs of viewing motivation, have an meaningful effect on encounter of viewing attitude in the order. Also, the motivation of vicarious satisfaction, entertainment/refreshment which are subordinate constructs of viewing motivation, have an meaningful effect on flow of viewing attitude in the order. Second, the motivation of vicarious satisfaction in viewing motivation have an meaningful effect on violence. Third, the flow in viewing attitude have an meaningful effect on violence.
Key Words
viewing motivation, attitude, violence, mixed martial art
The effects of self-controlled Learning on golf putting 인문,사회과학편 : 자기조절 연습이 골프퍼팅 학습에 미치는 영향
김연경YeonKyong , 윤용진YongJinYoon
46(4) 137-147, 2007
The effects of self-controlled Learning on golf putting 인문,사회과학편 : 자기조절 연습이 골프퍼팅 학습에 미치는 영향
김연경YeonKyong , 윤용진YongJinYoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of learning golf putting according to the type of practice and feedback. 72 female subjects were assigned in one of 6 treatment group designed by interaction of contextual interference effects and various feedback. Each subjects participated in a three experiment phases such as acquisition, retention, and transfer. The results of this study are follows. First, in accuracy, self-controlled learning was more effective on learning golf putting than random and blocked practice. In addition, self-controlled feedback was more effective than 100% feedback. Second, in consistency, there are no significant differences according to the type of practice. However, self-controlled feedback was more effective on the learning of golf putting than 100% feedback. Third, there were no interaction effects between self-controlled learning and self-controlled feedback.
Key Words
golf putting, feedback, self-controlled Learning, contextual interference, practice variability
Judgment under uncertainty and judgment under certainty: Hindsight bias demonstrated in motivation and cognition 인문,사회과학편 : 불확실한 상황에서의 판단과 확실한 상황에서의 판단: 동기와 인지로 나타나는 과잉확신 편향
황진JinHwang , 김성옥SeongOkKim
46(4) 149-158, 2007
Judgment under uncertainty and judgment under certainty: Hindsight bias demonstrated in motivation and cognition 인문,사회과학편 : 불확실한 상황에서의 판단과 확실한 상황에서의 판단: 동기와 인지로 나타나는 과잉확신 편향
황진JinHwang , 김성옥SeongOkKim
The Present study demonstrated the hindsight bias through the role of motivational and cognitional function. 68 amateur soccer players classified as either team(win & loss) or playing(player & benchwarmer) in order to considerate the motivational role and asked to write their prediction of win & loss and locus of causality(teamwork, fitness, techniques, leadership, luck) in order to considerate the cognitional role. The Results are as followed: first, the winners' hindsight predictions were closer to the actual results than predictions made before the game and there were effects between playing and game results. second, the fitness, luck were significantly increased and teamwork and leadership were significantly decreased similar to the actual results of game. as a results, hindsight bias 'I Knew it all along' were demonstrated through the interaction of motivation and cognition. finally, we discussed the self-serving bias, cultural difference on win & loss.
Key Words
hindsight bias, motivation, cognition
Exercise addiction profiles in Leisure sport participants 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자들의 운동중독 프로파일
46(4) 159-168, 2007
Exercise addiction profiles in Leisure sport participants 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자들의 운동중독 프로파일
The objective of this study focuses on concretizing exercise addiction profiles of leisure sports participants, especially from the perspectives of varied variables of exercise addition such as sex, age, health, and item, via an exercise addiction scale. A total of 625 study subjects were sampled out, including 301 males and 324 females, out of ten exercise items. The result of having conducted a multivariates analysis of variance shows a significant difference among variables like sex, age, health, and item. Men subjects indicate higher values than those of women, in factors such as withdrawal symptoms, exercise motivation, and exercise desire. Exercise addiction by age reveals that those in their forties represent higher exercise motivation values than those in their twenties, while those in their twenties, thirties, and forties reflect higher values than those in their fifties, in exercise desire. On the other hand, a significantly higher degree of exercise addiction by health state arises from the group of "very good" than those of "good" and "below the average." Exercise addiction by item revealed significantly higher response in outdoor items than indoor ones, as far as withdrawal symptoms are concerned.
Key Words
exercise addiction, Leisure sport
Why educating "Sports Culture"? 인문,사회과학편 : 왜 스포츠 문화 교육인가?
유정애JeongAeYou , 김선희SunHeeKim
46(4) 169-181, 2007
Why educating "Sports Culture"? 인문,사회과학편 : 왜 스포츠 문화 교육인가?
유정애JeongAeYou , 김선희SunHeeKim
Sport is one of cultures in our lives. The sport culture makes people to continually participate in sports with a holistic perspective toward 'Sport' in their lives. Thus, if we want our adolescents to continuously participate in various sports in their lives or during their lifetimes as well as to become only healthy people, we have to educate them 'Sport Culture' at physical education classes. Sport itself encompasses various cultural components that can be selected as educational contents in physical education. Obviously, sport participants acquire, display, and develop cultural knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes in a sport. The purpose of sport culture education is to understand, experience, perform, and appreciate cultural phenomena in a variety of sports, by developing sport knowledge, virtues, beliefs, norms, rituals etc. as well as sport skills and strategies. To date, there is little attention on sport culture as an educational content in physical education curriculum. Even if sport knowledge, virtues, rituals, rules, sportpersonship, festivals etc. including sport skills and strategies have been educating at physical education classes, physical educators have rarely perceived them as cultural components in sports. Sport culture as educational contents is divided into four categories: sport as the rituals and virtues, sport as a competition, sport as a festival, and sport as an arts. Because these cultural categories in sports are interrelated and interacted, it should be educated in an integrated approach at physical education classes. In a sense, this paper discussed why sport culture education is need, what educational contents in sport culture are necessary, and how they are taught at physical education classes.
Key Words
sports culture, physical education, sport education
The effect of career identity factor of secondary physical education teachers of contextual performance attitude in organization 인문,사회과학편 : 중등 체육교사의 직업적 정체성 요인이 조직의 맥락수행 태도에 미치는 영향
46(4) 183-196, 2007
The effect of career identity factor of secondary physical education teachers of contextual performance attitude in organization 인문,사회과학편 : 중등 체육교사의 직업적 정체성 요인이 조직의 맥락수행 태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of secondary physical education teachers' career identity to contextual performance attitude in organization. For this, 320 teachers who are teaching in Kyonggi-do were sampled an example using a purposive sampling method. The method of inquiry was a questionnaire. The collected data was enforced the analysis of one way ANOVA and multiple regression using the SPSS Ver 11.0. Therefore, it has got conclusions as follows. First, There were factor of teachers' career identity, which were depending of the degree of career which were significant difference but public perception and multiple a role were no significant difference among subfactor. Second, There were factor of teachers' contextual performance attitude in organization, depending of the degree of career which were significant differences in but there were no significant differences in subfactor of information public ownership. Third, even teachers' career identity factors were a significant influence upon teachers' contextual performance attitude in organization, partially uneffective teachers' contextual performance attitude in organization factors were interact others.
Key Words
career identity factor, contextual performance attitude, physical education teachers
An analysis and some guidelines of the elementary schools` field day programs 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 운동회 프로그램 분석과 운영 방향
46(4) 197-209, 2007
An analysis and some guidelines of the elementary schools` field day programs 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 운동회 프로그램 분석과 운영 방향
The purpose of this study was to present some guidelines to improve elementary schools' field day programs by identifying the operational status of those programs. The operational status and types of field day programs were analyzed through the field day plan analyses of 27 elementary schools governed by Y School District in Gyeongsangnam-do Province. For the program operation status, the periods to hold field day were classified into spring and fall. Operational style was classified into a whole day system, morning-only system, two-shift system, and simultaneous system. Teams on the field day were divided into Blue Team and White Team. The names for field day were classified into Field Day, Sports Meeting, and Hanmadang. As a result of field day program types, they were categorized into traditional type, reduced and revised traditional type, Norimadang(Game, Fun, and Amusement Arena) type, and mixed type. This study presented some suggestions to operate elementary schools' field day into a curriculum-related field day, a student-centered activity field day, and a community field day.
Key Words
elementary school`s field day, field day program, physical education
The role of consumption experience in structural relationship among emotion, satisfaction, and repurchase intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 고객의 소비경험에 따른 감정, 만족, 재구매의도의 구조관계분석
46(4) 211-220, 2007
The role of consumption experience in structural relationship among emotion, satisfaction, and repurchase intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터 고객의 소비경험에 따른 감정, 만족, 재구매의도의 구조관계분석
This study investigates how consumption experience moderates relationship among emotion, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. Customer of private sport centers in Seoul completed this survey containing positive emotion, negative emotion, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and demographic variables. The statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling by SPSS Ver. 15.0 and LISREL 8.7 programs. The results of this study were that the influence of positive emotion on satisfaction is stronger for participants with short-term consumption experience than for those with long-term consumption experience, whereas the influence of negative emotion on satisfaction is only significant with long-term consumption experience participants. The direct impact of emotion on repurchase intention, however, the consumption experience level did not moderate.
The constructive relationship between ski resort crowding and revisiting intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 혼잡성과 재방문의도와의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 변경원KyoungWonByun , 정정희JungHeeJung
46(4) 221-233, 2007
The constructive relationship between ski resort crowding and revisiting intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 혼잡성과 재방문의도와의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 변경원KyoungWonByun , 정정희JungHeeJung
The purpose of this study was to examine the cause and effect relationship between crowding of ski resort and revisiting intention. As the subjects, 329 university students participating in a ski class were selected through the convenience sampling method. In order to process data, SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 was utilized using frequency analysis for general characteristic of subjects, correlation analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. AMOS 5.0 was utilized using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis for examination of research hypotheses. First, Ski resort crowding didn't have a significant influence on positive emotion and ski resort crowding did have a significant positive influence on negative emotion. Second, positive emotion did have a significant positive influence on ski resort satisfaction and negative emotion did have a significant negative influence on ski resort satisfaction. Third, positive emotion did have a significant positive influence on class satisfaction but negative emotion didn't have a significant influence on class satisfaction. Fourth, ski resort satisfaction and class satisfaction did have a significant positive influence on revisiting intention.
The effects of managers` servant Leadership styles on service orientation and service performance at fitness clubs 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스클럽 매니저의 서번트 리더십이 서비스지향성 및 서비스성과에 미치는 영향
46(4) 235-247, 2007
The effects of managers` servant Leadership styles on service orientation and service performance at fitness clubs 인문,사회과학편 : 휘트니스클럽 매니저의 서번트 리더십이 서비스지향성 및 서비스성과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of fitness clubs' managers servant leadership styles on organizational service orientation and service performance. In order to accomplish such purpose of study, a survey methodology was applied with a total of 400 fitness club managers and the servant leadership framework developed by Page & Wong(2004). Then, 258 usable questionnaires were collected through mail survey approach and the data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis at alpha level of .05. Accordingly, following findings were derived from this study. First, levels of servant leadership styles by fitness club managers ranged in the middle of 3 to 4 at 5 point Likert scale. Second, the servant leadership styles had significant effects on the organizational service orientation of fitness clubs and among 4 sub factors, processing orientation of servant leaders had highest unique relationship with service orientation. Finally, the servant leadership styles also had significant effects on service performance of fitness clubs and task orientation had highest unique relationship with service performance.
Key Words
fitness clubs, servant Leadership, service orientation, and service performance
An analysis of the market segmentation based on spectators` team identification Level and their intention to repurchasing at Korean professional football games 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 관중의 팀 동일시에 따른 시장세분화 및 재관람 의도
강현민HyunMinKang , 김지영JiYoungKim , 김성국SungKukKim
46(4) 249-258, 2007
An analysis of the market segmentation based on spectators` team identification Level and their intention to repurchasing at Korean professional football games 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 관중의 팀 동일시에 따른 시장세분화 및 재관람 의도
강현민HyunMinKang , 김지영JiYoungKim , 김성국SungKukKim
The purpose of this study was aim to classify the spectators at Korean professional football matches into distinct consumer groups based on team identification level and also to identify the actual relationship between the team identification level and the number of games attended. Moreover, this study was performed to analyze the consequence of fan's future game attendance with the identification. The results are as follows; First, the distribution ratio of the spectators with low level of team identification was relatively high. Second, the component rate of frequent and heavy users who revealed comparatively significant was belong to the group with high level of team identification. Third, the fans' team identification level positively influenced on their intention to repurchasing for the future games.
Key Words
market segmentation, spectators, team identification, intention to repurchasing Korean professional football
Qualitative study on the exercise addiction of participants in body building 인문,사회과학편 : 보디빌딩 참가자의 운동중독에 관한 질적 분석
이상호SangHoLee , 김영환YoungHwanKim , 곽성현SungHyunKwack
46(4) 259-270, 2007
Qualitative study on the exercise addiction of participants in body building 인문,사회과학편 : 보디빌딩 참가자의 운동중독에 관한 질적 분석
이상호SangHoLee , 김영환YoungHwanKim , 곽성현SungHyunKwack
The purpose of this research was to analyze the causes and countermeasure of the exercise addiction phenomenons that can be shown in body building through the qualitative study. The in-depth interviews have been used to achieve closer overview for the exercise addiction, and the following results were concluded by the content analysis. They comprehend the meaning of "addiction" as negative such as 'being out of control for exercising', 'exaggerated concentration on exercising'. However, they suggested that there are some positive sides too, The exercise addiction procedure is classified by Participation, Starting, Exercise Sustaining and Addiction Level by the transmission of recognitive level that participants feel by oneself along with the physical time flow. Before reaching to Addiction level, it is shown that they don't experience the negative aspects. The positive sides of exercise addiction are the change of life pattern, getting liberated from various diseases, and improvement of physical health. And the negative sides are affecting the daily lives due to excessive time investment on exercising and physical & mental harm due to excessive exercising. In conclusion, there are both positive and negative sides in 'exercise addiction.' To lead into the positive sides, we need to control the excessive desire for exercise and exercise time amount. Sometimes it is needed to review their looks in objective view, and try not to experience the negative sides of psychologically, physically, and socially.
Key Words
exercise addiction, weight training, qualitative study
A study on the status of dance-sports participants` exercise addiction and self-management 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참여자의 운동중독과 자기관리 분석
46(4) 271-284, 2007
A study on the status of dance-sports participants` exercise addiction and self-management 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참여자의 운동중독과 자기관리 분석
This research analyzed the relationship and the profile of self-management and exercise addiction of adults continuously participating dance-sports in every social class, sex, age and health recognition through survey for self-management and the degree of exercise addiction. The object of research was the people in their twenties 68, thirties 89, forties 69 and 30 in their fifties, which is total of 256 persons (male; 110, female; 146 persons). The result of MANOVA research found that men were higher with the idea of exercise addiction than women in needs for exercise, and also men were better in training management and mental readiness management. People in their 40s and 50s were the highest in withdrawal symptoms and emotional attachment and 20s were the lowest. For the notion of physical fitness control was shown in the order of 50s at first and with 40s, 30s, 20s following. These results are discussed on the basis of exercise addiction with personal background and the theory and previous research concerning with self-management.
The influence of the amusement factors of the soccer club members of on sports addiction 인문,사회과학편 : 축구동호인의 재미요인이 운동중독에 미치는 영향
46(4) 285-293, 2007
The influence of the amusement factors of the soccer club members of on sports addiction 인문,사회과학편 : 축구동호인의 재미요인이 운동중독에 미치는 영향
This study aims to examine what of the amusement factors which make the soccer club members participate in the sports-for-all continuously influence the sports addiction. The following conclusions have been drawn by the verification of the hypotheses. First, it has been found that the sports effect factor of the amusement factors of the soccer club members of the sports-for-all has a significant influence on the withdrawal symptoms, the needs for physical activity and the emotional attachment of the sports addiction factors altogether. Second, it has been found that the efficiency factor of the amusement factors has a significant influence on the emotional attachment factor, but that it has no significant influence on the withdrawal symptoms and the needs for physical activity. Third, it has been found that the atmosphere factor of the amusement factors has a significant influence on the needs for physical activity and emotional attachment factors, but that it has no significant influence on the withdrawal symptoms. Fourth, it has been found that the dandyism factor of the amusement factors has no significant influence on all the factors of the needs for physical activity. Fifth, it has been found that the family support factor of the amusement factors has no significant influence on all the factors of the needs for physical activity.
Key Words
soccer club members, sports-for-all on sports addiction, amusement factors
Culture technique analysis on occupational satisfaction of female field hockey player 인문,사회과학편 : 여자필드하키선수들의 직업만족에 대한 문화기술적 연구
권욱동WookDongKwon , 김윤YounKim , 임승현SeungHyunLim
46(4) 295-304, 2007
Culture technique analysis on occupational satisfaction of female field hockey player 인문,사회과학편 : 여자필드하키선수들의 직업만족에 대한 문화기술적 연구
권욱동WookDongKwon , 김윤YounKim , 임승현SeungHyunLim
The purpose of this study is to examine occupational satisfaction as female field hockey players. According to this purpose, this study is conducted on the subject 8 female field hockey players who are taking participate in at the present day. Drawing data collected from 9 female field hockey players through in-depth interview. Result of this study were as follows: The result were divided into five categorizations which were satisfaction of gender-role. First, the female field hockey players felt physical conflicts. Second, they are satisfied with their job but they are dissatisfied with people attitude on unpopular sports and shortage of spare time. Third, the result of belonging factors showed difference on team, leader and coworker. Forth, they are dissatisfied with their salary, holiday and the sports circumstances. Fifth, they are dissatisfied with uncertainty of their future, injury and score. Based on results of these study, future research direction were suggested.
Key Words
culture technique analysis, occupational satisfaction, female field hockey
Research on the adolescents` usage patterns on the Internet adult sites 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년들의 인터넷 성인사이트 이용행태에 관한 연구
고태규TaeGyouKo , 양은석EunSeokYang
46(4) 305-315, 2007
Research on the adolescents` usage patterns on the Internet adult sites 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년들의 인터넷 성인사이트 이용행태에 관한 연구
고태규TaeGyouKo , 양은석EunSeokYang
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the attitudes and perceptions of adolescents with regard to the adult sites in the Internet and suggest necessary information which assist to establish education methods for teachers and parents, and policies for schools and education organizations. The research is limited in middle and highschool students' attributes in terms of the adult sites. Stratified sampling was conducted in 18 cities and counties in Gang Won Do and 2023 useful samples were obtained. Approximately 45% of the respondents had the experience of contacting the adult sites and the average use time was 54 minutes per week. 57%(multiple response below) of the students visited the sites with a simple curiosity and 60% for emotional excitement, entertainment, time killing, imitation of adults' sexual activities, and stress release. 48% of the adolescents responded that they felt the instinct of imitation, abhorrence, guilty, and shame. This research also suggests several solutions for the current issues such as the two side(positive and negative) aspects of the Internet, adolescents' visit to the adult sites, and education methods for the relevant students.
Key Words
adolescents, usage patterns, adult sites
The effects of soccer activity of speciality aptitude education on the physical education attitude and Life attitude of elementary school students 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 특기적성 교육 활동이 초등학생의 체육교과태도와 생활태도에 미치는 영향
46(4) 317-327, 2007
The effects of soccer activity of speciality aptitude education on the physical education attitude and Life attitude of elementary school students 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 특기적성 교육 활동이 초등학생의 체육교과태도와 생활태도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of soccer activity of speciality aptitude education on the physical education attitude and life attitude of elementary school students. Subjects were consisted of thirty male elementary school students in jeju city. The experimental group(n=15) was selected from the students of soccer activity of speciality aptitude education. The comparison group(n=15) was chosen from students of extra physical activity. In order to analyze the collected data, SPSS 12.0 program was used for repeated measure two-way ANOVA. First, the experimental group showed statistically significant increases in health/physical fitness, positive emotion and personnel relations factors when compared to their peers in the comparison group. The 14-week study showed significant increases in health/physical fitness and personnel relations than those of pretest, while negative emotion showed significant decrease in the posttest than pretest score. Second, the experimental group showed statistically significant increase in the life attitude than comparison group. In conclusion, structured physical activity program such as soccer activity of speciality aptitude education is more effective for making of positive attitude than did non-structured extra physical activity.
Key Words
speciality aptitude education, physical education attitude, Life attitude
The relationships among sports participation as the serious Leisure, Leisure experience and Leisure identity 인문,사회과학편 : 진지한 여가로서 생활체육 참가와 여가경험 및 여가정체성의 관계
장진우JinWooJang , 강효민HyoMinKang
46(4) 329-338, 2007
The relationships among sports participation as the serious Leisure, Leisure experience and Leisure identity 인문,사회과학편 : 진지한 여가로서 생활체육 참가와 여가경험 및 여가정체성의 관계
장진우JinWooJang , 강효민HyoMinKang
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among the participation in sports, perceived leisure experience and leisure identity. Using the stratified clustered random sampling method, 382 subjects from the sports favorites who have been taking part in Young Dong region of Gang Won province were finally collected after data cleaning. The data for the study were collected through the survey questionnaire. After analysis of data, result are as follows : Firstly, the participation frequency of sports gave significant influence on all factors of leisure experience and participation intensity gave negative influence on self-affirmation among leisure experience factors. Secondly, the participation frequency of sports gave significant influence on all factors of the leisure identity and participation period gave significant influence on respect and flow to leisure group among leisure identity factors. Thirdly, The all factors of the leisure experience except perceived self-efficacy gave significant influence on all factors of leisure identity.
The difference of Leisure attitude according to Leisure activities type and theirs own characteristics among university students 인문,사회과학편 : 전공별 대학생들의 여가활동 유형 및 개인적 특성과 여가활동 유형에 따른 여가태도 차이
노갑택GapTaikRo , 박장근JangGeunPark , 임란희RanHeeLim
46(4) 339-348, 2007
The difference of Leisure attitude according to Leisure activities type and theirs own characteristics among university students 인문,사회과학편 : 전공별 대학생들의 여가활동 유형 및 개인적 특성과 여가활동 유형에 따른 여가태도 차이
노갑택GapTaikRo , 박장근JangGeunPark , 임란희RanHeeLim
The purpose of this study was to examine for the difference of leisure activities type according to theirs own major and the difference of leisure attitude according to university students' characteristics and leisure activities type. The subjects in this study are 637 students, M, H, Y, D university in Seoul and Gyeong-gi area for 3 months from Oct. 2006. The collected data based of survey are analyzed through frequency analysis, crosstabs analysis, ANOVA analysis by SPSS WIN Ver. 12.0. According to this study and analysis, the result is following: First, sports is most in leisure activities type according to theirs own major, but the relationship activity is most few among the type leisure activities of elderly people and it doesn't show meaningfully differences in the Department of General, Physical, Athlete major. Second, the difference of leisure attitude according to university students' characteristics shows meaningfully differences both sex, grade sector in recognitive attitude and sex, grade, pocket-money per month sector in definitive attitude bot doesn't show meaningfully differences in behavior attitude. Third, the difference of leisure attitude according to leisure activities type show meaningfully differences in definitive attitude.
Key Words
recognitive, attitude, behavior
The effects of taekwondo masters` transformational Leadership styles on customer satisfaction and repurchase behaviors 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 변혁적 리더십이 관원만족도 및 재구매 행동에 미치는 영향
최종필JongPillChoi , 정병기ByungKeeChung
46(4) 349-357, 2007
The effects of taekwondo masters` transformational Leadership styles on customer satisfaction and repurchase behaviors 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 변혁적 리더십이 관원만족도 및 재구매 행동에 미치는 영향
최종필JongPillChoi , 정병기ByungKeeChung
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Taekwondo masters' transformational leadership on customer satisfaction and repurchase behaviors. In order to accomplish this purpose, a survey was distributed to a total of 600 participants in Taekwondo academies and multiple regression analysis was conducted with 554 usable questionnaires. As a result, following findings were derived from this study. First, the levels of transformational leadership of Taekwondo masters ranged from 4.03 to 4.23 on a 5 point Likert scale. Second, transformational leadership but only three leadership factors including idealized effect(traits), idealized effect(behaviors) and individualized consideration had significant effects on customer satisfaction. Finally, transformation leadership but only three leadership factors including idealized effect(traits), idealized effect(behaviors) and individualized consideration had significant effects on repurchase behaviors.
An analysis on the constraints of after school physical activity program in elementary school of Seoul City 인문,사회과학편 : 서울소재 초등학교 체육특기적성활동 참여의 제약요인 분석
최성훈SungHunChoi , 이석훈SeokHoonLee , 김동진DongJinKim
46(4) 359-367, 2007
An analysis on the constraints of after school physical activity program in elementary school of Seoul City 인문,사회과학편 : 서울소재 초등학교 체육특기적성활동 참여의 제약요인 분석
최성훈SungHunChoi , 이석훈SeokHoonLee , 김동진DongJinKim
The purpose of this study was to find out constraints factors of 'after school physical activity programs' operated by an elementary school of Seoul City. For this study, 330 elementary school students of Seoul City were sampled, and tested of descriptive statistics, explanatory factor analysis(EFA), Cronbach's alpha, One-way ANOVA, Post-Hoc test(LSD), and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) by Raymore, Godbey, Crawford, & Von Eye(1993)'s questionnaire. Following results were; First, main constraints factor of 'after school physical activity programs' were rack of facilities, and parents's intention and support, stress and uncomfortable of students were influenced 'after school physical activity programs'. Second, by the hierarchy of leisure constraints, intrapersonal leisure constraints were important, because of inter-personal and structural constraints start after intrapersonal leisure constraints were overcome. Third, Raymore et all. (1993)'s questionnaire was adoptive and effective to examine constraints of 'after school physical activity programs'.
Key Words
after school physical-activity programs, Leisure constraints
Derivational consideration of Seoljanggo dance and Gujeong play 인문,사회과학편 : 설장고춤과 구정놀이의 어원적 고찰
김원화WonHwa , 유진JinYoo
46(4) 369-381, 2007
Derivational consideration of Seoljanggo dance and Gujeong play 인문,사회과학편 : 설장고춤과 구정놀이의 어원적 고찰
김원화WonHwa , 유진JinYoo
Today, janggo is regarded as a traditional Korean musical instrument. One source with which the meaning of 'seoljanggo' can be conjectured is 'Hanrimbyeolgok', which is included in 'Goryeosaakji' of King Gojong of Goryeo. Although 'Hanrimbyeolgok' was popular music in Goryeo, its origin was a foreign country, with the formation of putting a Korean poem to a foreign tune. And it praises musical instruments and entertainers, and one of the musical instruments praised in it is 'Seolwon's janggo'. 'Seoljanggo' is named after Seolwon's family name and came to mean the person whose skill in janggo dance was excellent. 'Gujeong play' commenced with Palgwanhoe and Yeondeunghoe of Goryeo―a contest of various entertainers whose talents were diverse―performed in an open-air stage, such as a round playground. In the era of Joseon, it was called as pungmul, geollip, dure, maegut, gunmul, and so on. However, it has been called as a peasant band since 1930. Therefore, 'seoljanggo' is a janggo play in a peasant band and 'gungjeong play dance', as an individual play.
Key Words
Seoljanggo Dance, Gujeong Play
A study on the international comparison of elective physical education curriculum in senior secondary school and implications 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 체육과 선택중심 교육과정의 국제 비교 분석 및 함의
김원정WonJungKim , 유정애JeongAeYou
46(4) 383-397, 2007
A study on the international comparison of elective physical education curriculum in senior secondary school and implications 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 체육과 선택중심 교육과정의 국제 비교 분석 및 함의
김원정WonJungKim , 유정애JeongAeYou
The elective curriculum in 11th and 12th grades is being introduced so that students could select various subjects based on their aptitudes, interests, and career etc. in order to develop global personnels. Even if some research on elective physical education curriculum have been recently conducted, little known is what structural characteristics of other countries are and in what ways curriculum elements are indicated in each document. So the purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of the elective curriculum in senior secondary school over the several countries, and to suggest educational implications of Korean elective curriculum. Four countries such as Canada, France, Singapore, Japan, and Korea are selected. Results showed that each country has its own structural characteristics that have reflected philosophical perspective, objective, content, teaching-learning method, and evaluation including similarities and differences among countries. Implications include four things such as the need of physical education course in the national level, compulsory selection in 12th grade, the required GPA score of elective curriculum in physical education, and the need of arts and physical education area for college scholastic testing.
Key Words
elective curriculum physical education, senior secondary school
Effect of 85%VO2R exercise on immunoglobulin, blood Lipids, blood glucose and insulin in Long-distance athletes and healthy individuals 자연과학편 : 85%VO2R 운동시 장거리 운동선수와 일반인의 면역글로불린, 혈중지질, 혈당 및 인슐린 변화에 관한 연구
김원중WonJungKim , 이주형JoohYungLee
46(4) 399-405, 2007
Effect of 85%VO2R exercise on immunoglobulin, blood Lipids, blood glucose and insulin in Long-distance athletes and healthy individuals 자연과학편 : 85%VO2R 운동시 장거리 운동선수와 일반인의 면역글로불린, 혈중지질, 혈당 및 인슐린 변화에 관한 연구
김원중WonJungKim , 이주형JoohYungLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in immunological factors, blood lipids, and blood glucose between athletes and non-athletes at rest, and the effect of a single bout of exercise on them. Seven athletes (MG) who have experienced marathon events and seven healthy collegiate students (CG) participated gradual exercise to calculate maximum oxygen consumption and maximum heart rate. Subjects performed a treadmill exercise with 85% of oxygen consumption reserve until exhaustion after 24 hour rest. Blood samples were obtained to analyze immunoglobulins, blood lipids, blood glucose, and insulin levels at rest, immediately after exercise, 30 and 60 minutes during recovery. Resting blood variables such as HDL-C and insulin levels were significantly different between groups. There were significant differences in IgG, LDL-C, insulin and blood glucose levels between groups after a single bout of exercise. In conclusion, there is no difference in immunological factors between athletes and non-athletes at rest but there was a significantly higher resting levels of HDL-C in MG compared to CG. After a single bout of exercise, athletes showed increases in IgG, insulin and blood glucose but non-athletes showed decreases in LDL-C and insulin during recovery.
Key Words
athletes immnological factrs, Lood Lipids, imsulin, intense exercise
Time-motion analysis on activity patterns of professional soccer players 자연과학편 : 시계열 동작분석을 이용한 국내 축구경기 활동유형 분석
The physiological demands of soccer play are indicated by the exercise intensities at which the many different activity patterns during match-play are performed. This study examinee activity patterns during match play in top-level professional soccer players. Time-motion analysis was performed on 8 professionals during a competitive match. The distance covered during competition was 9.82±1.04km. The covered distance (4.65±0.50km) of the second half time was significantly reduced from that (5.18±0.59km) of the first half time (p<.05). All positions had reduced covered distances in the 2nd half time compared to the 1st half time. During the match, soccer players performed cruising and sprint reaching about 3.41±1.16km. Among players, Mid-fielders had the longest distance and defenser had the shortest distance during the match. In high intensity activity, mid-fielders had the longest distance (2.71±0.83km) covered by cruising running, whereas forward had the longest distance covered by sprint(03.1±0.20km). The results suggest professional soccer play demanded aerobic endurance capacity, anaerobic power, and recovery and tolerable capacity for fatigues, and position-specific physical training should be considered.
Key Words
professional soccer, activity patters tine-motion analysis, physical, physiological demand
Effect of 12-week resistance exercise on patellofemoral pain syndrome in young female aged 20~40 years 자연과학편 : 12주간 저항운동이 젊은 여성의 슬개대퇴증후군에 미치는 영향
박미희MiHeePark , 송종국JongKookSong , 김진구JinGuKim
46(4) 417-426, 2007
Effect of 12-week resistance exercise on patellofemoral pain syndrome in young female aged 20~40 years 자연과학편 : 12주간 저항운동이 젊은 여성의 슬개대퇴증후군에 미치는 영향
박미희MiHeePark , 송종국JongKookSong , 김진구JinGuKim
The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of 12-week resistance exercise on pain and functional activity for office workers with patellofemoral pain syndrome. We obtained VAS, activity level, functional activity and strength from subject who were assigned to either control group(CG, n=13) or exercise group(EG, n=18) through 25th Apr. 2006 to 30th Sep. at Sports Medical Center of the P Hospital. EG attended a 12-week resistance exercise program consisted of 60 minutes and 3 times per week. Statistical analyses were analysed repeated two way ANOVA to search effect on exercise. After 12 weeks exercise VAS was significantly decreased in EG and Tegner score and functional activity were significantly improved. Rt knee strength was significantly improved and decreased deficit of extension strength. Patellofemoral pain syndrome was clinical worth pain, activity level and functional activity compare to CG but knee pain of patellofemoral pain syndrome was not appropriately assessed by just knee flexion and extension motion. We can consider for this study that resistance exercise for 12 weeks has improve pain, activity level, functional activity and extension strength also will has valuable patients treatment and prevention.
Effects of different fluid supplement following dehydration on sleep efficiency and consequent exercise performance 자연과학편 : 탈수방법에 따른 탄수화물 전해질 음료보충이 수면 효율성과 운동 수행력에 미치는 영향
Effects of different fluid supplement following dehydration on sleep efficiency and consequent exercise performance 자연과학편 : 탈수방법에 따른 탄수화물 전해질 음료보충이 수면 효율성과 운동 수행력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of 12-week resistance exercise on pain and functional activity for office workers with patellofemoral pain syndrome. We obtained VAS, activity level, functional activity and strength from subject who were assigned to either control group(CG, n=13) or exercise group(EG, n=18) through 25th Apr. 2006 to 30th Sep. at Sports Medical Center of the P Hospital. EG attended a 12-week resistance exercise program consisted of 60 minutes and 3 times per week. Statistical analyses were analysed repeated two way ANOVA to search effect on exercise. After 12 weeks exercise VAS was significantly decreased in EG and Tegner score and functional activity were significantly improved. Rt knee strength was significantly improved and decreased deficit of extension strength. Patellofemoral pain syndrome was clinical worth pain, activity level and functional activity compare to CG but knee pain of patellofemoral pain syndrome was not appropriately assessed by just knee flexion and extension motion. We can consider for this study that resistance exercise for 12 weeks has improve pain, activity level, functional activity and extension strength also will has valuable patients treatment and prevention.
The effect of 8 weeks home-exercise program on VAS, NDI, ROM, cervical spine curvature in chronic neck pain patients 자연과학편 : 8주간 경부 자가 운동이 만성경부통증 환자의 통증, 경부기능장애지수, 가동범위 및 경추배열에 미치는 영향
The effect of 8 weeks home-exercise program on VAS, NDI, ROM, cervical spine curvature in chronic neck pain patients 자연과학편 : 8주간 경부 자가 운동이 만성경부통증 환자의 통증, 경부기능장애지수, 가동범위 및 경추배열에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of home-exercise program for 8 weeks in chronic neck pain patients. Variables were consisted with pain(VAS), neck disability index(NDI), neck range of motion, and cervical spine curvature. The subject were divided into the exercise group(EG; n=14) and the control group(CG; n=14) who visited the rehabilitation clinic of K medical center and were diagnosed with chronic neck pain. EG were performed exercise program at home 2/day, 5/week during 8weeks(stretching, retraction, isometric exercise program). The experimental data was analyzed by two-way repeated ANOVA. The results were as follows: There was significant VAS, NDI reduction in all groups but EG appeared more significance VAS and NDI reduction than CG. Range of motion cervical vertebrae was increased significantly in EG, but in CG, it was increased significantly flextion, right lateral flextion and left lateral flextion, but there was not significant in extension.
Key Words
chronic neck pain, VAS, ROM, NDI, home-exercise program
Effects of a 12-week Thera-band exercise training on physical fitness for activities of daily Living and variables related to cardiovascular system in stroke patients 자연과학편 : 뇌졸중 편마비 환자의 12주간의 탄력 밴드 운동이 일상생활체력과 심혈관계 변인에 미치는 영향
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 공성아SungAhKong , 이만균ManGyoonLee
46(4) 447-457, 2007
Effects of a 12-week Thera-band exercise training on physical fitness for activities of daily Living and variables related to cardiovascular system in stroke patients 자연과학편 : 뇌졸중 편마비 환자의 12주간의 탄력 밴드 운동이 일상생활체력과 심혈관계 변인에 미치는 영향
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 공성아SungAhKong , 이만균ManGyoonLee
The study was designed to investigate the effects of a 12-week resistance exercise training on physical fitness for activities of daily living and variables related to cardiovascular system in stroke patients. Twenty six patients were volunteered to participate in the study as subjects and were assigned randomly into one of two groups, i.e., resistance exercise training group(TR: n=13) and control group(CON: n=13). The pre test-post test randomized-groups design was utilized in the study. The results obtained in the present study were as follows: 1) There were statistically significant enhancement in arm curl, chair stand, 2.44m up and go, sit-and-reach, one leg standing with open eyes, manipulation pegs in a pegboard, and foot tapping in the TR group. 2) There were significant increase in VO2peak(17.26%), in the TR group due to the exercise training. It was concluded that the 12-week resistance exercise training elicited the enhancement of the physical fitness for activities of daily living and cardiovascular endurance.
Effects of exercise on the nNOS and caspase-3 expression of motor cortex in rat offspring born from maternal alcohol intoxication 자연과학편 : 운동이 임신중 알코올 섭취에서 태어난 새끼 쥐의 뇌 운동피질에서 nNOS와 Caspase-3 발현에 미치는 영향
46(4) 459-469, 2007
Effects of exercise on the nNOS and caspase-3 expression of motor cortex in rat offspring born from maternal alcohol intoxication 자연과학편 : 운동이 임신중 알코올 섭취에서 태어난 새끼 쥐의 뇌 운동피질에서 nNOS와 Caspase-3 발현에 미치는 영향
The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of 12-week resistance exercise on pain and functional activity for office workers with patellofemoral pain syndrome. We obtained VAS, activity level, functional activity and strength from subject who were assigned to either control group(CG, n=13) or exercise group(EG, n=18) through 25th Apr. 2006 to 30th Sep. at Sports Medical Center of the P Hospital. EG attended a 12-week resistance exercise program consisted of 60 minutes and 3 times per week. Statistical analyses were analysed repeated two way ANOVA to search effect on exercise. After 12 weeks exercise VAS was significantly decreased in EG and Tegner score and functional activity were significantly improved. Rt knee strength was significantly improved and decreased deficit of extension strength. Patellofemoral pain syndrome was clinical worth pain, activity level and functional activity compare to CG but knee pain of patellofemoral pain syndrome was not appropriately assessed by just knee flexion and extension motion. We can consider for this study that resistance exercise for 12 weeks has improve pain, activity level, functional activity and extension strength also will has valuable patients treatment and prevention.
Key Words
FAS, exercise, caspases-3, nNOS
Kinematic analysis of gait pattern according to subsidiaries` weight Loaded in SCUBA diving 자연과학편 : 잠수장비 하중증가에 따른 보행자세의 비교분석
류재청CheCheongRyew , 김진현JinHyunKim
46(4) 475-484, 2007
Kinematic analysis of gait pattern according to subsidiaries` weight Loaded in SCUBA diving 자연과학편 : 잠수장비 하중증가에 따른 보행자세의 비교분석
류재청CheCheongRyew , 김진현JinHyunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate clinical materials for optimal %Wt loaded related with underwater activity & injury prevention by means of kinematic comparisonㆍanalysis of gait pattern according to subsidiaries' weight loaded in SCUBA diving. A Subject Participated in the experiment was skilled male in SCUBA diving(experience about 1000 times) and gait motion in every %Wt was photographed by two cameras for 3D analysis. There was slight difference in all variables by elapsing phase-by-phase during gaiting equiped various %Wt load, but significant difference was classified into two categories of both light load( 0%Wt~10%Wt) and heavy load(25%Wt~40%Wt). Therefore optimal %Wt moveable easily in rough diving field was proved to be 20~25%Wt. For further reliable & detail conclusions, It was necessary to suggest results of comparison & analysis mixed materials combined cinematography with pattern of ground reaction force in the same experiment situation.
Key Words
%Wt, underwater activity, SCUBA Diving
The effects of a 24-week walking exercise on obstacle negotiation in older women 자연과학편 : 24주간 보행운동이 여성노인의 장애물 극복보행의 운동학적 변인에 미치는 영향
46(4) 485-493, 2007
The effects of a 24-week walking exercise on obstacle negotiation in older women 자연과학편 : 24주간 보행운동이 여성노인의 장애물 극복보행의 운동학적 변인에 미치는 영향
Falls among the elderly are quickly becoming an enormous concern in every society given the projected increase in the 65-plus age group. Elderly falls can be mainly attributed to decreased lower extremity strength and reducing the potential for elderly falls requires regular exercise. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate whether a 24-week walking exercise would reduce elderly fall risk factors. Twenty-two community-dwelling female elderly were randomized to either a control(CG, n=11) or experimental group(EG, n=11). The EG performed a walking exercise(3 times/week, 1 hour/visit) for 24 weeks. Laboratory kinematics during stepping over(SOG), stepping up(SUG), and stepping down(SDG) an obstacle was assessed at weeks 0 and 24. Significant obstacle traverse such as maximum vertical heel clearance(MVHC), toe and heel clearance(TC & HC), vertical descending velocity(VDV), and limb flexion resulted in an improved crossing strategy in EG. These findings provide evidence of significant reduced fall risk factors of community-living older adults associated with a systematic walking program.
Key Words
the elderly falls, obstructed gait, walking
A study on the take-off time of maximum squat jump using the optimal control model of human musculoskeletal system 자연과학편 : 근골격 최적제어 모델을 이용한 최대높이뛰기의 도약시간에 대한 연구
46(4) 495-507, 2007
A study on the take-off time of maximum squat jump using the optimal control model of human musculoskeletal system 자연과학편 : 근골격 최적제어 모델을 이용한 최대높이뛰기의 도약시간에 대한 연구
The ground contact time on the take-off stage is an principal factor in determining performance of maximum high jump. The study simulated the maximum height jumping movement using the optimal control model of human lower extremity. In the case of short contact time, joint extensors are early activated, but joints are not fully extended. Thus, the model does not increase the vertical position of the center of mass of the body, and it can jump due to vertical upward velocity at lift-off. Three peaks of joint power did not have coincidence for all joints. In the case of 0.45 sec, the ground reaction force reached 1.38 times body weight just prior to lift-off and keep up a while. Then it decreased at lift-off. As the ground contact time is prolonged, all joints are fully extended at lift-off. Thus, the model can jump higher due to the increase of the vertical position and velocity of center of mass. In addition, the peaks of joint power coincide, and the ground reaction forces show a sharp increase and decrease just prior to lift-off. In 1.01sec, its maximum reaction force becomes 2.5 times body weight.
The effects of knee brace on the knee extensor and valgus moment during the rebound in female highschool basketball player 자연과학편 : 무릎보호대가 여자농구 선수들이 리바운드 점프 후 착지할 때 무릎 신전모멘트와 외번모멘트에 미치는 영향
46(4) 509-514, 2007
The effects of knee brace on the knee extensor and valgus moment during the rebound in female highschool basketball player 자연과학편 : 무릎보호대가 여자농구 선수들이 리바운드 점프 후 착지할 때 무릎 신전모멘트와 외번모멘트에 미치는 영향
Use of knee brace has been suggested to provide protection and to improve kinetic performance of the knee in anterior cruciate ligament injured patients. However, the efficacy of knee bracing in achieving these goals is not clear in vigorous sports activities. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that knee brace decreased knee joint extensor and valgus moment during the rebound in female highschool basketball players. Thirteen high school female basketball player were tested rebound with and without knee brace. Kinematic and ground reaction data were collected and combined with inverse dynamics to estimate the joint moment. Data were analyzed with paired samples t-test. In basketball rebound, the knee extensor moment more increased without knee brace (p<.05). Results supported the hypothesis and it was concluded that knee brace does reduced knee anterior cruciate ligament load.
Key Words
knee brace, moment, anterior cruciate Ligament, basketball, female player
A study on racquet work of tennis volley 자연과학편 : 테니스 발리의 라켓워크에 관한 연구
손원일WonIlSon , 문병용ByoungYongMoon
46(4) 515-524, 2007
A study on racquet work of tennis volley 자연과학편 : 테니스 발리의 라켓워크에 관한 연구
손원일WonIlSon , 문병용ByoungYongMoon
The present study analyzed the tennis backhand volley motion of seven male tennis players at a high school tennis team that had won a national team competition in 2005. Conclusions drawn from the results are as follows. The open angle of the racquet face was large in order of impact > finish > take back, showing that the racquet slanted most in the take back posture. The position of take back is ahead of the shoulder line in both cross and reverse cross direction, but behind the middle of the shoulders. The frontback position of the impact was much ahead of the shoulder joint of the swinging arm in cross direction. In this way, between the two volley directions, the difference in the horizontal rotating angle of the shoulder was much smaller than the difference in direction angle. In this way, the difference of volley direction angle was 45degrees while the difference of shoulder rotating angle was small. Thus, reverse cross volley is done not just by turning the posture of cross volley by around 45degrees but also by adjusting angle factors such as the open angle of the racquet, the inclination of the racquet, elbow joint angle and grip angle.
Key Words
tennis, racquet work, backhand volley
Influence of abstraction of astragalus membranaceus on blood energy metabolism and antioxidant system in exercise-trained rats 자연과학편 : 운동과 황기 추출물 투여가 혈중 에너지기질 및 항산화 방어기전에 미치는 영향
민진아JinAhMin , 이수천SooChunLee
46(4) 525-533, 2007
Influence of abstraction of astragalus membranaceus on blood energy metabolism and antioxidant system in exercise-trained rats 자연과학편 : 운동과 황기 추출물 투여가 혈중 에너지기질 및 항산화 방어기전에 미치는 영향
민진아JinAhMin , 이수천SooChunLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant system and improvement of blood lipids when abstraction of Astragalus membranaceus was orally injected to 28 rats. 28 male SD rats were divided into four group, control(CON), exercise group with only saline(EXE), group with only abstraction of Astragalus membranaceus injection(AS) and exercise group with abstraction of Astragalus membranaceus injection(ASE). All rats were trained on a motor driven treadmill. After exercise test, blood was collected for the measurement of glucose, TG, FFA, SOD, MDA The blood glucose and FFA concentration was significantly higher (p<.05) in the exercise group (ASE) compared with the sedentary(AS). whereas, the blood TG concentration was significantly lower (p<.05) in the exercise group (EXE, ASE) compared with the sedentary(CON, AS). MDA in quadri is lower in the exercise group and SOD in quadri is higher in the exercise group but these are no significant differences in statistics. These results suggested that the injection of Astragalus membranaceus abstraction in exercise was effected to blood energy metabolism and antioxidants system positively.
Key Words
antioxidant system astragalus membranaceus
The change of somatic index by increasing of age in children 자연과학편 : 아동의 연령 증가에 따른 신체 형태지수의 변화
김충현ChungHyunKim , 김기학KiHackKim
46(4) 535-543, 2007
The change of somatic index by increasing of age in children 자연과학편 : 아동의 연령 증가에 따른 신체 형태지수의 변화
김충현ChungHyunKim , 김기학KiHackKim
The purpose of this study was comparison and analysis of remarkable differences between male and female according to the aging in order to understand the tendency of relative growth in the Korean students using the formula of somatic index. The objects of this study were from six to eleven years old children in Dae-gu. The physique of the children was inspected in the seven items and yielded the somatic index. The results which were analyzed from two-way ANOVA, one-way ANOVA and t-test using these data were following. The skelic index showed about 80-90% and increased according to aging. It had a significant tendency that the index of girls was bigger than that of boys in the seven years. The trunk girth index showed about 104-112%. It had a significant tendency that the index of girls was bigger than that of boys in the eight, ten and eleven years. The lower limb index showed about 43-47% and continued the similarly although the aging. It had a significant tendency that the index of boys was bigger than that of girls. The upper limb index showed about 32-36% and had a significant tendency that the index of boys was bigger than that of girls in the ten and eleven years.
The development and validation of the children`s manipulative skill measurement 자연과학편 : 유아 조작움직임 기술 측정도구의 개발과 검증
최문형MoonHyungChoi , 유진JinYoo
46(4) 545-556, 2007
The development and validation of the children`s manipulative skill measurement 자연과학편 : 유아 조작움직임 기술 측정도구의 개발과 검증
최문형MoonHyungChoi , 유진JinYoo
The purpose of this study was to validate and evaluate the children's manipulative skills. The 7 skills out of 43 contents include ball bouncing(5 contents), ball rolling(7's), horizontal striking(7's), catching(4's), trapping(5's), throwing(8's), kicking(7's). They were selected on the basis of the related research and the measure instruments of the children's manipulative skills, developed by inside and outside of the country, though after content and validity. The data from this research was not appropriate for the former manipulative structure model that consists of Propulsive and Absorptive factors. After the Exploratory Factor Analysis, manipulative skills were divided into two factors as Specific and General factors. While the Specific factor consists of ball bouncing, ball rolling, trapping General factor consists of horizontal striking, catching, kicking, throwing skills. After the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, this measurement model was validated by approval levels. Manipulative factor's skills, according to children's age and sex, 6 years are higher than 5 years on both Specific and General factors and boys are higher than girls on both Specific and General factors.
Key Words
children, manipulative skills, specific, general
Comparisons of ACE gene polymorphism on VO2max and exercise pre,post fatigue substance in elite swimmer 자연과학편 : 수영선수의 ACE 유전자 다형성에 따른 최대산소섭취량과 최대운동 전후의 피로물질 비교
김수진SooJinKim , 양점홍JumHongYang
46(4) 557-569, 2007
Comparisons of ACE gene polymorphism on VO2max and exercise pre,post fatigue substance in elite swimmer 자연과학편 : 수영선수의 ACE 유전자 다형성에 따른 최대산소섭취량과 최대운동 전후의 피로물질 비교
김수진SooJinKim , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to select elite swimmer as ACE gene polymorphism, So we comparison on O2max, after maximal exercise prepost fatigue substance. 143 swimmers participated in this study from B metropolitan city. 42 participants were selected from ACE gene polymorphism. Data analysis used SPSS ver 11.0 for one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and change rate. The conclusions obtained from the above were as follow that : Male & female swimmer II type was higher than ID, DD type in O2max. After maximal exercise, male and female II type was lower than DD type in blood lactate change rate. When recovery 5 and 15 minutes, II type was lower than ID, DD type. Male II type was lower than DD type in LDH change rate. Female II type was lower than ID type in LDH change rate.
Key Words
polymorphism, fatigue substance, ACE, VO2max
Comparison of therapeutic effectiveness between sacroiliac-joint adjustment and gymnastic-ball training on women of pelvic misalignment 자연과학편 : 골반변위 여성들을 위한 천장관절교정술과 짐볼(gymnastic-ball) 트레이닝의 치료적 효과 비교
주성범SungBumJu , 박기덕GiDukPark
46(4) 571-577, 2007
Comparison of therapeutic effectiveness between sacroiliac-joint adjustment and gymnastic-ball training on women of pelvic misalignment 자연과학편 : 골반변위 여성들을 위한 천장관절교정술과 짐볼(gymnastic-ball) 트레이닝의 치료적 효과 비교
주성범SungBumJu , 박기덕GiDukPark
The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effectiveness between sacroiliac-joint adjustment and gymnastic-ball training in women of pelvic misalignment. Subjects were divided in to 2 group(Sacroiliac-joint adjustment group, gymnastic-ball training group) from 52 women of pelvic misalignment. The each group were treated with Sacroiliac-joint adjustment or gymnastic-ball training for 8 weeks and the effects on leg length and body balance have been evaluated. The Sacroiliac-joint adjustment group and gymnastic-ball training group were significantly decreased legs length and body balance as compared with pre-test. Especially, the Sacroiliac-joint adjustment group was significantly decreased leg length and body balance as compared with the gymnastic-ball training group. To conclude, Applying of Sacroiliac-joint adjustment for women of pelvic misalignment will be effectively appeared to improvement of body balance and decreasing of leg length compare with gym-ball training.
Key Words
sacroiliac-joint adjustment, gym-ball training, body balance, Leg Length
The effects of aquatic exercise program on obese index, growth hormone, igf-1 and vas in obese women with osteoarthritis of the knee 자연과학편 : 수중운동이 퇴행성 슬관절염을 가진 비만여성의 비만지표, 성장호르몬, IGF-1 및 통증에 미치는 영향
김현준HyunJunKim , 김종원JongWonKim , 박건향GunHyangPark
46(4) 579-591, 2007
The effects of aquatic exercise program on obese index, growth hormone, igf-1 and vas in obese women with osteoarthritis of the knee 자연과학편 : 수중운동이 퇴행성 슬관절염을 가진 비만여성의 비만지표, 성장호르몬, IGF-1 및 통증에 미치는 영향
김현준HyunJunKim , 김종원JongWonKim , 박건향GunHyangPark
The purpose of this study was to provide obese women having osteoarthritis(OHO) with Aquatic Combined Exercise Program(ACEP) by investigating effects of the program on those obese women' obese index(OI), growth hormone(GH), IGF-1 and visual analogue scale(VAS). Their pain before and after the treatment was measured using VAS. Analysis result of the difference between before and after the exercise(paired and independent t-test) was acquired by measuring OI, GH, IGF-1 and VAS before and after the 10 weeks(60 min/day, twice a week) of exercise. 14 Volunteers were OHO over BMI of 25 ㎏/㎡, %fat of 30% and waist girth of 80 ㎝. In the OI, the exercise group(EG) decreased significant differences in BW, BMI, %fat, BFM, WG and WHR and the control group(CG) increased significant differences %fat, BFM, WG, but decreased in LBM. In the GH, IGF-1 and VAS, the EG increased significant differences, but the CG was no difference. ACEP alleviated the VAS of obese who were suffering osteoarthritis of the knee and improved those obese women' OI, GH, and IGF-1. This also led to positive influences on the obese women' daily life activities. In conclusion, ACEP would be that is effective in the physical, mental, social and psychological restoration of OHO.
Key Words
aquatic exercise, osteoarthritis, obese index, growth hormone, IGF-1, VAS
The effect of the physical activity program on Locomotor skills of children with moderate mental retardation 자연과학편 : 신체활동 프로그램이 중등도 정신지체아동의 신체이동기능에 미치는 영향
The effect of the physical activity program on Locomotor skills of children with moderate mental retardation 자연과학편 : 신체활동 프로그램이 중등도 정신지체아동의 신체이동기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of physical activity program on locomotor skills of children with moderate mental retardation. The subject were 24 children with moderate mental retardation. The 24 children were divided into two groups. One group of 12 were in an experimental group and the remaining 12 in a control group. To find out any changes of their locomotor skills, the physical activity program was executed to the exercise group three times a week, for forty minutes a day over twenty weeks. Before appling this program, was measured the locomotor skills for each group. After ten weeks and twenty weeks their abilities were remeasured using the same method as before. The locomotor skills were tested using the TGMD-2. The collected date was analyzed using repeated measured 2-way ANOVA which had been on SPSS-WIN 14.0 program. Results of the study were described as follows: First, 20 weeks physical activity program could improve locomotor skills in children with moderate mental retardation. Second, it showed significant difference in run(20 week, p<.001), gallop(from 10 week, p<.001), hop(from 10 week, p<.01), leap(from 10 week, p<.01), horizontal jump(from 10 week, p<.05), slide(from 10 week, p<.01) of locomotor skills.
Key Words
physical activity program Locomotor skills, mental retardation, TGMD-2